Kit's Blorbos
Hi! This is just a place for me to list basic info about my FFXIV OCs!
Koko Malaguld
Name: Koko Malaguld
Nicknames: Kooks, Koko-Puff, Trouble (by Estinien), Little Chick/Owl (By Karasu), Gremlin of Light (by the Scions)
Nameday: 29th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
Age: 28
Height: 4’9.5”
Race: Au ra (Xaela)
Gender: Non-Binary
Pronouns: They/Them | It/It’s
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status:
Main Canon: In a semi-open polyamarous relationship with Karasu “Redbeak” Kanshi and Estinien “Wyrmblood” Varlineau
RP Canon: The same but I only ship with chemistry. Koko will still be in the poly relationship. But can discuss boundaries regarding this.
Eye Color: Ice Blue
Hair Color: Very Soft Pink, Almost white.
Occupation: Warrior of Light, Healer for Hire, Scion, Khagan of the Steppe, Botanist and Fisher
Current: Traveler, Doesn’t stay in one place too long, but has places they will frequent often if you’re looking to find them.
Previous: Azim Steppe (Birth Place). Ishgard
Hobbies: Reading, Hunting, Practicing Magic, Meditating and Yoga, Cooking, Fishing, Triple Triad.

NOTE:While Koko is the WoL I do not see them as having done all the same things as SE canon WoL nor being as all powerful as canon WoL. In my mind they're just a guy. Some things are rewritten for Koko's personal story, and while I myself as the player have gone through every job/role quest, Koko has not.If you don't want to RP with WoL Koko, I do have some other Verses that I'm open to discussing too!
- They are multilingual, knowing Eorzean and Hingan. Though due to not speaking Hingan often they tend to forget words sometimes. They also know the language spoken by all Xaela tribes on the steppe and some sign language (they’re still learning).- They have aetheric corruption. As a result they are more attuned to ice than any other element. Koko's skin has a temperature similar to ice. It can warm up quickly, but they’re mostly cold all the time and prefer to be warm.- As much as Koko hates the cold, snowy landscapes are their favorite. they'll often brave the wastes of Coerthas to simply look upon the snow with a smile.- They have a scar on their back from where they got corrupted during the Shiva fight in ARR.- Koko's voice claim: -(Krem - Dragon Age)- Koko is a fairly decent cook. Not great, but they can make hearty meals they learnt from their tribe on the steppe that are sure to help keep you full and bursting with energy.- Due to trauma from Nanamo being poisoned and a mug in hw being laced with a sedative, koko now never accepts drinks from strangers without seeing it being made first.- Once comfortable with someone they can be very chaotic. They are very stubborn too, and will do everything they can to protect the ones they love.
- They have ADHD. They struggle with social cues, can get overstimulated and will sometimes just completely go non-verbal. However this also means they have all the pros with ADHD too, such as creative problem solving, resourcefulness, and an abundance of energy.- Since they are from the steppe they do their best to incorporate clothing traditions from their home into their everyday clothing. as such they have a certain nomadic twist to their wardrobe. it's their way of showing how proud they are of their heritage and their tribe.- Koko can cook and sew, something they learnt from their Father as a child. The hunting they learnt from their Mother, and both served to inspire Koko as they grew older.- They like to sing, albeit kind of badly since they're not trained in any way. If you're lucky you can catch them alone singing lullabies they learnt as a child.- Despite growing up a hunter, they aren't great at close range combat anymore. This is due to their aetheric corruption. They're much more attuned to their magical abilities rather than physical. Though it’s something they’ve been attempting to remedy in recent years.- Due to the corruption, they can't dye their hair. For a while after their hair turned the pale color it is now, they tried for years to dye it. But it would just turn pale again.- They're not great at swimming, but not horrible either. They can at least keep themselves afloat for a while. Just don't comment on their technique. They know. It's bad.
Name: Yomi
Nicknames: N/A
Age: 34
Height: 5'8"
Race: Sin Eater
Gender: Demi-Girl
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them
Sexuality: Bisexual (Fem leaning)
Relationship Status: Single
Eye Color: Milky White with Golden Limbal Rings
Hair Color: White with a Golden streak in her bangs.
Home: Eulmore
Hobbies: Dancing, Gambling, Hanging out at the beehive.

- Koko's Shard from the First.
- She doesn't remember much of her life before becoming a sin eater. If you ask people around they'll tell you she was a dancer in the Beehive before Vauthry took an interest in her.
- From there it can be inferred that she became one of his personal dancers, being fed Meol and being turned into a sin eater. But she stayed strangely human despite forgetting who she was before.
- Upon meeting Koko when they visited Eulmore, she knew she had to go with them, escaping vauthry and helping them with their mission to bring back the darkness.
- Upon meeting Koko she gained the ability to traverse between the worlds that they could. Their similar souls syncing in a sense.
- Despite this ability she chooses not to travel much, only doing so to visit Koko. Staying in Eulmore most of the time.
- She's a flirt and a tease, and enjoys seeing how far she can push people in initial meetings.
- She's very hedonistic and self-indulgent.
Name: Echo
Nicknames: N/A
Age: Unknown (looks to be in mid 30s - 40s)
Height: 7'1"
Race: Voidsent
Gender: Demi-Boy
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them
Sexuality: Bisexual (Masc leaning)
Relationship Status: Single
Eye Color: Black sclera with Purple Iris
Hair Color: Black and Dark purple
Home: Eorzea, previously from Troia.
Hobbies: He is still figuring himself out. Though he enjoys gardening.

- Koko's Shard from the Thirteenth
- Entirely a blank slate. He remembers nothing from before becoming a Voidsent. He only knows that he has a distinct love of flowers. Perhaps he was a gardener or a botanist in his previous life.
- In the void he kept to himself in the gardens of Troia. No one bothered him because of his aggression and strength, so he didn't bother anyone else.
- Despite his initial aggression and confusion toward Koko and the Scions, he proved to be a soft soul, just scared.
- Upon meeting Koko he gained the ability to traverse between the worlds that they could. Their similar souls syncing in a sense.
- He helped Koko and the Scions, not out of a pact for aether like Zero, but out of curiosity as to why Koko was so similar to him. In exchange for helping, he would learn.
- He stays in Eorzea now, since he feels no connection to his previous world and life. He enjoys staying in Gridania, helping the botanists with his strange natural talent for gardening.
Name: Sugilite
Nicknames: Sugi
Age: 23
Height: 5'2"
Race: Au'ra (or whatever they're called in Alexandria)
Gender: Trans Girl
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Eye Color: Heterochromia; Left is Grey and Right is Lilac. Limbal rings are also Lilac.
Hair Color: Deep Purple with Lilac Highlights
Occupation: Budding Historian
Home: Solution Nine.
Hobbies: History, Reading, Writing, Exploring.

- Koko's Shard from Alexandria
- Born after Zoraal Ja came to Alexandria and started reigning with Sphene.
- She was born with Mild Levin Sickness. While she can still move she has Fibromyalgia and has horrible pains daily. Her tail was amputed at birth and she eventually got it replaced with a cybernetic one. She has a respirator on her neck to help her breath.
- Despite all this she is a fairly happy woman. She'll do her best to get out her apartment despite her pains and go to the archives to study. She's currently learning about Alexandrian history and is a self proclaimed expert.
- When the thunder dome got opened up by the train she switched her attentions somewhat. She wants to leave the dome one day to study some Eorzean history, and ask the people of Tural how the dome has affected them.
Matthieu Bellamy
Name: Matthieu Bellamy
Nicknames: Matty, Matt
Age: 31
Height: 5'10"
Race: Voidsent (Viera)
Gender: Genderqueer
Pronouns: Any (with a slight preference to she/her)
Sexuality: Gay
Relationship Status: In an open relationship with his voidsent, Levi
Eye Color: Black Sclera Heterochromia; Left is Grey and Right is Red.
Hair Color: Red
Occupation: Male Escort.
Home: Norvrandt, Kholusia
Hobbies: Fashion, Designing Clothes, Studying the void to reverse his condition to get rid of Levi

Born in Norvrandt into a cult that worships the void and darkness. When the light pollution came the cult decided to try and manufacture their own warrior of darkness, using necromancy and voidsent research to work toward this. When Matt was born, he was raised to worship them too, but he always felt wrong with it. When he was older he was used as a test subject in experiments with voidsent, thus depriving him of some of the ambient aether needed for him. The cult used necromancy to keep him alive through all of this, but now he is basically attuned to dark aether and part voidsent. He became a powerful black mage as a result of this too, becoming the cult's “perfect” warrior of darkness.Matt hated all this. Never free of abuse and experiments from his parents and fellow cult members. Even when he was considered perfect, they kept trying to make him better and better. He lived every day in pain. One day it all got too much, the pain, the void calling for him in his nightmares. He lost control, and killed most of the cult members, but could not bring himself to kill his parents. After all, they were his only family. He ran after that, abandoning the cult and living in the slums outside Eulmore. Training as a reaper to help protect others against the lightwardens.He was seen as a bit of an outcast there. Since he was made of pure void at this point. He also was vulnerable to light and light aspected aether. So he didn’t eat the Meol that the harlequins bought out when they needed new people in Eulmore. One day they came out, asking for a new dancer in the beehive. Matt volunteered, sick of life in the slums, sick of being seen as an outcast even when he protected people with his life. He became hardened and selfish, wearing a mask now he lived in Eulmore. He eventually became a male escort as well as a dancer, taking clients from all over Norvrandt, often traveling to see them.
- Matthieu barely ever takes his blindfold off even when he's alone. He hates his eyes and hates seeing them in the mirror or in reflections. He's learnt to get by in life similarly to Y'shtola.
- At one point he tried to remove one of his eyes by force using aether and when that didn't work a knife (he missed though which is why he has the scar) and can no longer see out of it. It's also why that eye is white.
- If he ever shows you his eyes he must have an enormous amount of trust in you. and If you try to take his blindfolds off by force he won't hesitate to hurt you.
- He's vulnerable to light aspected magic/aether. And is also plagued with nightmares of the void and his past most every night.
- He joined Koko in helping rid Norvrandt of the light since he saw it as his duty. He made friends with them, but still felt disconnected from his man made role.
- He has the ability to use the void to travel from the First to the Source. As such he also assisted Koko in their adventures on the thirteenth.
Adkira Malaguld
Name: Adkira Malaguld
Nicknames: N/A
Age: 23
Height: 6'7"
Race: Raen
Gender: Cis Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Demisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Eye Color: White with Purple Limbal Rings
Hair Color: White
Occupation: Cook and Child carer in Malaguld Tribe
Home: The Azim Steppe
Hobbies: Cooking, Telling and making up stories.

- Koko Malaguld's younger adopted Brother.
- When Adkira was a newborn his parents were Exiled from the ruby sea. They were set to join the Malagulds since they had heard they take in Raen. However on their way to the Steppe they got attacked by wild animals, nearly dying. They managed to get to the Steppe, but died upon arrival. Adkira was the only survivor. Koko's parents, Cotota and Jebke, took Adkira in as their own. With a young Koko vowing to protect him.
- Adkira isn't his birth name, but his birth parents never got the chance to tell the Malaguld tribe his name. His adopted parents instead named him Adkira.
- He grew up not questioning the differing colour of his horns and scales to his parents and Koko, instead loving them as his own family.
- He's not a strong fighter, and instead chooses to aid in raising the children of his tribe and cook meals.
Artemis Arici’na
Name: Artemis Arici'na
Nicknames: Arty
Age: Ageless
Height: Unsundered: Around 30 feet. Sundered: 5’11"
Race: Ancient
Gender: Trans Male
Pronouns: He/Him, She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Main Canon: In a semi-open polyamarous relationship with Hades and Themis
RP Canon: The same but I only ship with chemistry. Arty will still be in the poly relationship. But can discuss boundaries regarding this.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Sunset Orange
Occupation: Azem of the Convocation of Fourteen
Home: Amaurot
Hobbies: Painting, Sketching, Exploring, Annoying his peers.

- Despite being as hyperactive as he is, Artemis has bad anxiety.He usually manages to hide it well, but has days where he just can’t be bothered.
- He’s not the best soul seer, and can barely make out the colors of a soul at times. Similar to Aphantasia.
- He’s the newest member of the convocation, only recently being appointed Azem after Venat.
- Despite being fairly childish, he cares deeply about the star and takes his responsibilities seriously. Though it may not seem like it. If something or someone threatens the star, he will do his utmost to fix the situation, even going so far as to forgo his basic needs.
- Artemis loves to paint and draw. He has piles and piles of sketchbooks he’s filled over the years with both detailed biological illustrations of concepts and creatures he’s come across and of general sketches of friends. He’s very protective over them.
- He has promise with Aetherial Manipulation, but has never bothered to go through proper training with it. Especially since he can’t see the color of people’s souls. He’s worried of messing up and grabbing the wrong person’s aether. He instead focuses what little aether he can manipulate into mastering the art of making his paintings come to life. He is the first Pictomancer.
- Since he can’t see the color of people's souls he can’t sense emotions through the soul too well either. He’s very oblivious to people's feelings sometimes unless they specifically tell him.
- He always has bandages wrapped around his hands. Not only does it help gripping a bow, but it hides all the scars and calluses he’s gotten over the years.
- He has amazing memory, mostly using it for his paintings, and is able to remember even the smallest details for the scenes he paints. He’s proud of this, for while he can’t see souls, he can see other beautiful things whenever he wants.
- He doesn’t let on about his memory too much, often feigning ignorance to stay out of trouble.
- He believes he is useless to the convocation, since there are others more suitable to the position of Azem. But he does his job anyway, wanting to prove himself.
Name: Ydl
Nicknames: Doll
Age: Ageless
Height: 5’10"
Race: Omicron
Gender: Agender
Pronouns: They/Them, It/It's
Sexuality: Aromantic and Asexual
Relationship Status: Single
Eye Color: Black Sclera, White Iris
Hair Color: Light Blue with White Highlights
Occupation: Star Explorer
Home: Planet Alphatron
Hobbies: Exploring, Trying food (even though they can't gain sustenance from it or taste it, they rely on others to describe the taste for them), Science and logic.

- Came to Eorzea shortly after Omega was awakened again to bring it back home. Teamed up with Koko and the Ironworks to help them. After they would bring Omega home. However, they learnt along the way about the life on Eorzea, gaining a friendship with Alpha. With Omega defeated and nothing to bring home they decided to stay instead.
- They travel with Alpha and mini Omega now, exploring around Eorzea and trying to learn about the many confusing aspects of life there.
- They're a curious soul, but in a chaotic way. In order to collect samples they will lick or eat things. This includes food but also things like dirt and rocks. People are often weirded out by them.
Name: Levi
Nicknames: Vi
Age: Ageless
Height: 5'8.6"
Race: Incubus Voidsent
Gender: Cis Male
Pronouns: He/Him, It/It's
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: In an open relationship with Matthieu
Eye Color: Blank White
Hair Color: Black
Occupation: Matthieu's Voidsent
Home: Wherever Matt is (though he does often roam by himself.)
Hobbies: He's an incubus... You can probably guess his main hobby, hunting other voidsent for aether.

Lho'a Lanbatal
Name: Lho'a Lanbatal
Nicknames: Lan
Age: 37
Height: 5’2"
Race: Miqo'te (Keeper of the Moon)
Gender: Trans Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single (Divorced)
Eye Color: Both were yellow. but he's fully blind in his left eye thus it's white now.
Hair Color: Dusty Purple
Occupation: Co-WoL to Koko Malaguld
Home: Formerly: Black Shroud, More recently: Gridania
Hobbies: Dancing, Archery, Pulling pranks on Koko

- Born alongside his twin sister, Nohki to Lho and Oki'a in the Lanbatal Clan.
- During the Calamity Nohki went missing. Everyone presumed her dead. But Lho'a was never convinced and always just thought her missing since they never found her body.
- Transitioned when he was 15 and renamed himself Lho'a. First son of Lho. His mother was not happy with her only remaining 'daughter' becoming a male, and he was soon shunned from the clan. He has mixed feelings about his name now.
- He met Koko Malaguld in Gridania and became fast friends with them. They both became blessed with the echo around the same time and joined the scions together.
- During Heavensward Lho'a discovered his sister did infact die during the calamity, but her body was taken as a host by an unnamed ascian. Thus he was forced to "kill" her (trap the ascian in white auracite) and say goodbye to his sister. He never got proper closure and mourns her to this day.
- At some point in his late twenties he was in an abusive marriage. He divorced his husband shortly after Heavensward with support from Koko and the Scions.
Name: Manami
Nicknames: Mi-Mi, Queen Bee
Age: 54
Height: 5'0"
Race: Siren
Gender: Demi-Girl
Pronouns: She/Her, Them/Them, It/It's
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single
Eye Color: Blank white
Hair Color: Salmon Orange
Occupation: Beekeeper at The Honey Yards
Home: Has a little lakeside home next to Nectar Lake in the Shroud.
Hobbies: Beekeeping, Studying new bee species, Making Honey and Mead, Candlemaking, Swimming, Singing

- Born in the seas surrounding Kugane, Manami left her clan of Sirens at a young age, Wanting to see more of the world. She travelled by water to Eorzea, leaving the seas to live on land.
- People were afraid of the stranger fish person at first, but she proved to be friendly and eventually settled in Gridania and became a helper for Miounne.
- She had always been fascinated with insect life, seeing as you don't see them in the water, and while helping deliver goods to The Honey Yards she was introduced to the wonderful world of beekeeping.
- She became obsessed, wanting to learn more, and studied day after day. Reading about bees, honey, beekeeping, Tasting different kinds of Honey and learning all she could form the beekeepers
- Eventually, after many moons of begging, she came to work at The Honey Yards. And she has been working there for 32 years.
- She has a daughter called Akari who lives in The Ruby Sea with her own family. She goes to visit them sometimes. Her previous partner is no longer in the picture and her daughter has no contact with him either.
Sebastien Faye
Name: Sebastien Faye
Nicknames: Seb
Age: Ageless (Physically in his late 30s)
Height: 5’6"
Race: Moth Fae
Gender: Non-Binary
Pronouns: He/Him, Fae/Faer, They/Them, It/It's
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single
Eye Color: Heterochromia: Left fully red, Right fully teal
Hair Color: Dusty Purple with White Highlights
Occupation: Trickster (he's not very good at it)
Home: Il Mheg
Hobbies: Grand balls, Dancing, Protecting people, Practicing his Fae Magic.

- Before the flood of light he was the son of a noble in the Kingdom of Voeburt. In the chaos of the flood he was left abandoned. When the Faerie's moved into Voeburt, naming it Il Mheg.
- The pixie's took pity on him, turning him into a Fae like them, with the understanding that he do their bidding.
- He had no other choice but to accept this, becoming a Moth Fae and trickster at the pixie's behest. Though he struggles to control his Fae magic and isn't a very good trickster at all, often getting tricked himself.
- He became a good friend to Urianger when he arrived in Il Mheg, often visiting him and asking him about where he came from.
- When Koko came to Il Mheg he decided to aid them, helping them through the Fae's trials and customs.
OOC Info
- BST timezone
- ERP is fine but I'd prefer some normal plot centric ones first to see if our OCs have chemistry. Or at the very least discussion of dynamics and how they'd meet.
- I prefer RP out of game in discord since I know timezones don't always match up. A "reply when you can" style of RPing.
- I can RP in game but my main is on Chaos Ragnarok and my NA alt is still in endwalker.
- All in all just shoot me a message and we can discuss!
- I do have an f-list! And I'm happy to share it upon request if we decide to ERP.
- I'm happy to do gpose collabs and discuss potential scenarios if you don't rp but still wish to interact with my OCs!